Squared visions at fixed focal length
28 June, 2005
23 June, 2005
There are so many thinks to do, but we keep on working!

See you soon, with colored pics,very early.
Labels: Tom's photos
18 June, 2005
14 June, 2005
Here we are/Stuck by this river,/You and I
Underneath a sky that's ever falling down, down, down/
Ever falling down.

Labels: Tom's photos
11 June, 2005
07 June, 2005
First month...or something more
Dear friend,
thank you again for visiting this blog.
In this month we posted only 5 photo, I know it's not soo much.
But I want to say that is very difficult for us reach an high rithm of posting without your help.
I know that a discrete number of users entered in this blog; I'm writing to ask yours active partecipations, please.
We need you for this blog; talk to your friends about this photoblog, make a comment (good or not), send us yours photos and if you don't have an Holga...why don't you buy one?
I repeat it's very funny, it's easy, it's not expensive.
I hope, dear friend, you can start share with us this passion.
We are waiting for you.
Keep visiting this blog, help us to make it bigger and better.
Thank you.
03 June, 2005
...a little while(what's happened?).

Make us know what do you you think about our photoblog.see you next week.
Labels: Tom's photos